References: ISN MTA

References with error:

REF Molecule Type RMSD Percent of ref match Percent of molecule match
ISN.mol RGZ.mol flexible 3.7963.6436.84
strict 4.0354.5531.58
DPK.mol flexible 3.3654.5542.86
strict 3.3654.5542.86
SAG.mol flexible 2.1454.5527.27
strict 2.1454.5527.27
MFG.mol flexible 0.6654.5546.15
strict 0.6654.5546.15
MTA.mol RGZ.mol flexible 6.7283.3352.63
strict 6.1058.3336.84
DPK.mol flexible 5.1583.3371.43
strict 5.1583.3371.43
SAG.mol flexible 5.3691.6750.00
strict 4.4158.3331.82
MFG.mol flexible 4.4683.3376.92
strict 4.1775.0069.23